
This module shows how a dashboard can remotely display data from a sensor in real time.

The sensor chosen in this example is the accelerometer of an Android device but the same could be done with other sensors.

The module has a dashboard with just two widgets: a graph and a switch.

The switch is bound to the @active exterior function:

(function (context act)
  (if (= act null)
    (if act (register_acc) (unregister_acc))

When the switch is activated, the register_acc function is called to register a listener for the accelerator data. This is done through the sensor function of the android Library:

(function ()
  (if (not active)
        (function (d)
          (set accelerometer/x d/2)
          (set accelerometer/y d/3)
          (set accelerometer/z d/4)
          (### "Update the graph widget")
          (module-notify "@get-value")
      (set active true)
      (### "Update the switch widget")
      (module-notify "@active")

After that, the accelerometer data is saved in the accelerator variable ("x" => -0.061676025390625 "y" => 5.7689208984375 "z" => 8.949508666992188) and displayed in the graph widget.

When the user deactivates the switch, the unregister_acc funcion is called to remove the listener of the accelerator data.

(function ()
  (if active
      (sensor "unregister" "accelerometer")
      (set active false)
      (module-notify "@active")

This is how the dashboard looks like when accelerator data is being captured:

Note that the dashboard can display the accelerometer data in real time even when we are connected remotelly.

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