Server setup

Standalone based servers

The standalone, raspberrypi and swing servers are packaged as a zip file that contains scripts (under the bin directory) to start an stop the server.

When these servers are started they take the configuration parameters from the file located in conf/

The parameters that can be set in this file are the following:

To load an additional library on these servers copy its jar file (and others it depends on) in the lib directory of the server and add the library name to the libraries property of conf/ file.

J2EE server

The J2EE server is intented to run on a web container like Tomcat or Jetty and is packaged as a war file. It can be configured through the context parameters of the web application file (located in WEB-INF/web.xml).

The configuration (context) parameters that this server accepts are the following:

Secure server connections must be configured in the web container (server.xml file in Tomcat)

To load an additional library on this server copy its jar file (and others it depends on) in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the web applitation and add the library name to the libraries property of WEB-INF/web.xml file.

Android server

The android server is packaged as a apk file and only accepts the following configuration parameters that can be set through the setup menu of the application:
